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Global Small Companies Update.
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Listed Equities
Private Equity
Private Credit
Listed Funds
A portfolio of Australian businesses with transparent and resilient business models
Equities Fund
An option of HEDGED or UNHEDGED portfolios of dynamic and growing companies undergoing positive change, within a robust ethical framework.
Axiom International
An Australian small caps fund with a 20 year track record
Emerging Companies
Specialists in a vast and growing investable universe
Global Small
Companies Fund
An International Fund targeting superior risk-adjusted returns through investing in high-quality and durable growing companies at reasonable prices.
Harding Loevner
International Fund
A concentrated portfolio of ethically screened global companies
High Conviction
Equities Fund
A high conviction A-REIT fund with an ESG focus
High Conviction
Property Securities Fund
Unparalleled Access to Global Private Credit. A listed fund with unlisted characteristics.
Pengana Global
Private Credit Trust (ASX:PCX)
The largest International ethically screened LIC on the ASX. Targeting fully franked dividends, paid quarterly.
Pengana International
Equities Limited (ASX: PIA)
Access to the top-performing quartile of global private equity managers via Australia’s only listed portfolio of diversified global private market investments.
Pengana Private
Equity Trust (ASX: PE1)
Investing in industries of the future which solve sustainability challenges for the world
Sustainable Impact Fund
An Israeli equity fund investing in cutting edge technologies
Alpha Israel Fund (Wholesale Only)
Access a highly diversified and professionally constructed portfolio of global private credit investments.
Pengana Diversified Private Credit Fund (Wholesale Only)
Fixed-term accounts with Target Rates that reach higher, supported by built-in layers of protection.