AI: developing humanity’s superpower above all costs

Barely a day goes by without a fresh news story regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Last month, OpenAI released its demo...


Cybersecurity – ESG or impact?

Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly prominent topic. The World Economic Forum published its Global Risks Report for 2024 and cyber-attack...


Navigating policy uncertainty in sustainable investing – why stock selection matters

By Victoria MacClean There have recently been negative sentiment towards electric vehicles (EVs), headwinds facing Clean Energy companies and a...


The “iPhone moment” for obesity treatment

By Ben Kluftinger In early March, Novo Nordisk held its Capital Markets Day which we attended virtually. Quite unusually, the...


What does it mean for WHEB to be a B Corp?

Laura Grenier (Director of Operations) I had only recently joined WHEB in 2015 when George Latham (Managing Partner) asked me...


Staying the course – WHEB remains committed to sustainability investing

In 1970 Walter Mischel, a professor of psychology at Stanford University conducted a famous experiment now known as the ‘Stanford...


WHEB’s performance review of 2023

A positive but challenging year 2023 was ultimately a positive year overall for Fund, which returned 9.5%. This final result...


Three reasons why Sustainability Disclosure Requirements really matters

Almost a year after the second consultation period closed and two years since the original discussion paper, the Financial Conduct...

Pengana Capital Group