Rate relief spurs rosy outlook for REITs

ASX-listed listed property stocks, battered by two years’ of high interest rates, could soon become “buys” as inflation eases more...

Private credit is a globally attractive opportunity – investors should take notice

Large institutional investors around the globe now include global private credit as a core portfolio component, including the Future Fund...

PIA announces 14th consecutive fully-franked quarterly dividend

Australia's largest international ethical listed investment company continues to deliver on mandated fully franked quarterly dividends to shareholders. Pengana International...

WHEB’s performance review of 2023

A positive but challenging year 2023 was ultimately a positive year overall for Fund, which returned 9.5%. This final result...

Schools out: fund managers snap up Aussie Bush Camps in $60m deal

Journalist: Larry Schlesinger, Reporter. Australian Financial Review. View the original AFR article HERE.  Fund managers MA Financial, FinCap, and Pengana Capital...

A turning point for AREITs this year may not ‘lift all boats’

2024 could be a turning point for AREITs following a period of rate hikes and rising bond yields. While we...

Three reasons why Sustainability Disclosure Requirements really matters

Almost a year after the second consultation period closed and two years since the original discussion paper, the Financial Conduct...

Can active managers outperform when the global economy slows?

Higher interest rates and slowing consumer spending are bringing a much wider dispersion of company earnings and stock returns. This...

Pengana Capital Group