Are we heading back to 70s-style stagflation?

Tim Richardson CFA, Investment Specialist  “This is nothing like the 1970’s, which was a pretty dismal period, and not just...

Pay Dirt: Capitalizing on the Electrification of Landscaping

The clock is winding down on gas-powered lawn machines. The early rulers of battery-powered outdoor equipment look to build an...

Join the private equity party

View PDF Everyday investors can now enjoy the higher returns and diversification normally reserved for the wealthy Private equity has...

Can shares build wealth in a new era of higher inflation?

Tim Richardson, Investment Specialist – Pengana International Equities Range of Funds “I remember the $0.05 hamburger and a $0.40-per-hour minimum...

The UK: All change at the top

As the nation simultaneously bid farewell to our strong female lead of the last 70 years and ushered in a...

The Streaming Wars Take a Commercial Break

The knock-down, drag-out battle between Netflix and Disney that was cheered on by the market in recent years suddenly has...

The Maturation of mRNA: Will Moderna and BioNTech Ever Be More Than Viral Sensations?

Their vaccines helped beat back a global pandemic, shattering pharmaceutical sales records in the process. Now comes the hard part....

It’s Always Sunny in Xi’an: China’s Solar Solution to Europe’s Gas Problem

As attempts to address climate change and energy independence converge, a company from a solar superpower stands to benefit.  ...

Pengana Capital Group