Glasgow, Greta and GFANZ

‘Keep Glasgow cold, wet and grey’ was one of the better placards being waved at the children’s protest during the...

PE1 has released a list of its top global holdings

Australia’s only retail global private equity fund has released details on some of its largest underlying investments in an update...

Zenith Investment Partners and the Pengana Global Small Companies Fund

The Pengana Global Small Companies Fund invests in high-quality businesses with strong pricing power (the ability to pass on the...

Why ESG is important to AREIT investing

ESG investing continues to grow at a rapid rate. This is driven by investors wanting their investments to be aligned...

The impact of rising interest rates on AREITs

This month, Australia’s two largest economies started reopening after months of lockdown, with expectations that it could unleash a wave...

Are the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals relevant as an investment framework?

In 2015, as part of their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations (UN) released their Sustainable Development Goals...

Gas prices, ‘greenflation’ and governmental gatherings

Gas prices in the UK shot up by 37% in a single day in early October. This was on top...

The role of home health in the pandemic and beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous strain on the healthcare sector globally. In England alone, there are almost 5.5 million...

3 issues that are challenging investors in today’s market

In our recent investor webinar, we discussed 3 issues that are challenging investors in today’s market and how we are...

Pengana Capital Group