Delivering carbon reductions – moving beyond the targets

Much ink has been spilt announcing net-zero carbon (NZC) targets over the past few months, with WHEB no doubt contributing...


Is sustainable investing a waste of time?

Like many others, the COVID-19 lock-downs were an opportunity to develop new hobbies. One of my new hobbies was to...


Code Red from the IPCC

Last month the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the latest report from its first Working Group.[1] There are...


Extreme weather – a wake-up call on climate mitigation and adaptation

In July, hardly a day went by when you didn’t see extreme weather events on the news headlines. California and...


Tax is a classic ESG issue

A disappointing roadshow lunch In 2016, I attended a roadshow lunch for an upcoming initial public offering (IPO).  This was...


Is Amazon really a sustainable investment?

The WHEB investment strategy has evolved considerably over the past fifteen years. But the core has always been quite simple....


Building Back Better

We are pleased to present our 7th annual report and webinar on "Building Back Better", covering how the companies in...


WHEB Asset Management named in B Corp’s ‘Best for the World’ 2021 list

Honoured in the ‘Customers’ category, we are delighted to be recognised in the top 5% of all B Corps in...

Pengana Capital Group