WHEB wins Impact Manager of the Year at the LAPF Investment Awards 2021

WHEB Asset Management has won ‘Impact Manager of the Year’ at the LAPF Investment Awards 2021. WHEB is a global leader...


Armaments and ESG

By Victoria Maclean, Associate Fund Manager, Pengana WHEB Sustainable Impact Fund Excluding defence companies has long been common practice for...


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The humanitarian crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is both horrifying and deeply concerning. Events like this throw our...


Finding tomorrow’s ESG leaders

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) as a source of investment alpha may be limited when focussed solely on companies displaying...


January storms: heavy rotation in weak markets at the start of 2022

Stock markets ended the first month of the new year with heavy losses. Beyond the overall losses, this has also...


COP26: ‘More than expected, less than hoped’

After the emotional scenes nearly two months ago at the end of COP26, has a bit of distance provided any...


Drug pricing and impact investing

Background President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda has reignited the debate about drug pricing. Arguments generally fall into two camps....


WHEB’s approach to biodiversity

Climate change has become such an all-encompassing threat, that most other environmental concerns have been left in its shadow. The...

Pengana Capital Group